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We use farm level data - not industry estimates
We process verified, regenerative/low carbon farm produce into usable ingredients that food organisations can purchase to reduce emissions and meet consumer needs.

Why we do this...

  • Using accurate data instead of industry estimates can reduce emissions by up to 95% - immediately.

  • Sourcing regenerative/low carbon produce from audited farmers provides a long term solution to reducing emissions, minimises the need for offsets and incentivises more farmers to decarbonise.

  • Builds trust by meeting consumer demand for:
    • Detailed provenance information.
    • Carbon information on menus*.

*Half of consumers want carbon footprints on menus (Foodprint by Nutritics & CGA by Nielsen HQ)

Frequently asked questions
What would you like to know?

Still have questions? We've got answers. Email us or give us a call.

  • We're currently focusing on beef and lamb but in time will incorporate all produce from malting barley to dairy to wheat.

  • We are providing a concierge service at present so please contact us for pricing information.

  • These are wholesale orders so we expect orders of at least one tonne per month.

  • Farmers are audited using tools such as Agrecalc, Farm Carbon Toolkit, Soil Association Exchange, Cool Farm Tool etc.

    The system will flag if they have self-audited or used a third party. It will also highlight any additional information such as soil organic carbon testing, BRC/Red Tractor, organic status, date of most recent audit and more.

    This can be tailored to customer requirements.

  • Moving to low carbon practices requires an investment of time and money from farmers and also risks yields.

    We expect food businesses to pay around 10% premium for low carbon produce (vs the commodity price) to reflect those efforts.

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