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July 25, 2023 at 3:00 PM
by Susan Gregory, CEO

According to CAMRA, brewing materials account for around 20 – 30 per cent of the total beer footprint, with three quarters of the CO2 coming from barley alone. By sourcing low carbon or even carbon negative barley, breweries could reduce their footprint by over 25% whilst honest information about provenance radically increases both their brand value and their culture.

A study of 20,000 adults across 5 countries showed a third of consumers (33%) are now choosing to buy from brands they believe are doing social or environmental good and many breweries have already recognised this. Some are launching special edition beers such as Docks Beer’s Carbon Crush whilst others, such as Deya and Stroud Brewery are embracing a low carbon philosophy across their entire operation. Gipsy Hill has just launched Swell and Trail which they claim are the first truly carbon negative beers whilst Brewdog claims carbon negativity since 2020 thanks to a combination of operational changes and offsets.

But it takes time and a lot of effort to locate low carbon farmers, and currently there just aren’t enough low carbon or carbon negative crops to go around. Whilst many of the brewing giants are actively working with their supplier base to reduce their footprint, smaller brewers are in danger of being left behind.

Agrasta‘s marketplace for low carbon produce connects breweries to farmers of low carbon barley and wheat so you can source the key ingredients to reduce your footprint quickly, easily and authentically and give your brand the point of difference that consumers are looking for.

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